Lease with confidence.
Making it easy to set up shop.

Search by address
Use this feature to get a report on a commercial property you have already identified.

Find a property
Use this feature if you are looking for a vacant commercial property to lease.
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Commercial Property Lookup
Finding the perfect commercial property can be difficult. We have made it simple with our easy-to-use Search by address and Find a property options. No sign up required, and it’s absolutely free. *Currently available only for commercial properties within City of Melbourne, City of Yarra and City of Port Phillip. Please click on the link below to see if your suburb is included.
SEARCH by address
If you’ve found a commercial property located in the City of Melbourne, Yarra or Port Phillip, you can now gather essential information to avoid making costly mistakes. This easy-to-use property search provides access to a property report with essential property information on zoning and overlay details, along with local demographic and council permit information which links to each council’s business concierge programs.

FIND a property
Looking for a commercial property and not sure where to start? Try the find a property option to see what current listed commercial properties are within the City of Melbourne, Yarra and Port Phillip. Once you find a property, you will then be able to access a free property report with essential property information on zoning and overlay details, along with local demographic and council permit information which links to each council’s business concierge programs.

Frequently asked questions
Sometimes the property listing shown in the real estate search may not be the exact address required to generate the property. Try updating the address in the search to the exact address e.g. change the unit number to the correct unit number for the address.
If the property address does not appear, it may be outside the participating Council’s boundaries – cities of Melbourne, Yarra and Port Phillip.
If you believe it is within one of these municipalities and you are unable to search please submit a query including the property address and we will be in touch.
Sometimes a property might be listed as in one suburb, whilst the property is actually located in another smaller suburb. For example, a property is listed in Richmond, however, the actual land title lists it as Burnley. If this happens, please confirm if the address you are searching for may fall into another suburb and repeat the search with the correct address.
We only have reports available for City of Melbourne, City of Yarra and City of Port Philip at this stage. Please contact us with suburbs you would like to see available.
Submit a query
Your experience matters to us! Having issues, need support or have suggestions to enhance our services – let us know here. We want to provide you with the best possible experience.