Property Report

Planning application history

Review Planning Application data below. Records are sorted by lodgement date as default.

In this section, you will be able to identify any current planning applications that apply to the specific property you searched for. There is also a list of planning applications within the surrounding area so you can identify any nearby planning applications that may be of interest.

To get a detailed view of a specific application, please click on the application number.

Below you can see all planning applications relating to this property

Application ID Primary Address Lodged Date Category Application stage
992100710 COMMON PROPERTY 576-578 ST KILDA ROAD MELBOURNE VIC 3004 2024-07-24 Development Only (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use)
992101622 58 O’GRADY STREET ALBERT PARK VIC 3206 2024-07-24 Residential Development Single Dwelling Initial Assessment
992101834 413 DORCAS STREET SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-07-24 Residential Development Single Dwelling Initial Assessment
992101913 COMMON PROPERTY 99-101 GREY STREET ST KILDA VIC 3182 2024-07-24 Default category Initial Assessment
992099808 405/19 QUEENS ROAD MELBOURNE VIC 3004 2024-07-23 Multi Dwellings (2 or more dwellings on a lot)
992101154 77 LITTLE PAGE STREET ALBERT PARK VIC 3206 2024-07-23 Residential Development Single Dwelling Initial Assessment
992101693 236-238 DORCAS STREET SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-07-23 Change of Use & Development (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use) Initial Assessment
992101933 89 HEATH STREET PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 2024-07-23 Default category Initial Assessment
992100474 2 CRICHTON AVENUE PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 2024-07-22 Residential Development Single Dwelling Withdrawn
992100831 65 ACLAND STREET ST KILDA VIC 3182 2024-07-22 Change of Use & Development (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use) Initial Assessment
992100995 2 CRICHTON AVENUE PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 2024-07-22 Default category Initial Assessment
992099978 COMMON PROPERTY 36 DALGETY STREET ST KILDA VIC 3182 2024-07-19 Development Only (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use) Initial Assessment
992095402 6 ALMA PLACE ST KILDA VIC 3182 2024-07-18 Residential Development Single Dwelling Initial Assessment
992099500 19 PARK LANE ST KILDA WEST VIC 3182 2024-07-18 Residential Development Single Dwelling Initial Assessment
992099599 73 PARK STREET ST KILDA WEST VIC 3182 2024-07-18 Residential Development Single Dwelling Referred
992099716 70 THE CRESCENT PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 2024-07-18 Residential Development Single Dwelling Initial Assessment
992099720 6 KENDALL STREET ELWOOD VIC 3184 2024-07-18 Multi Dwellings (2 or more dwellings on a lot) Initial Assessment
992091467 2 INKERMAN STREET ST KILDA VIC 3182 2024-07-17 Liquor Licence Initial Assessment
992098578 125 WESTBURY STREET BALACLAVA VIC 3183 2024-07-17 Multi Dwellings (2 or more dwellings on a lot) Initial Assessment
992098699 4 REED STREET ALBERT PARK VIC 3206 2024-07-17 Residential Development Single Dwelling Initial Assessment

Below you can see all planning applications within the surrounding area

Application ID Primary Address Lodged Date Category Application stage
992087448 51-59 PALMERSTON CRESCENT SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-06-20 Signage Initial Assessment
992080867 75 DORCAS STREET SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-06-03 Liquor Licence Initial Assessment
992072410 376-384 ST KILDA ROAD MELBOURNE VIC 3004 2024-05-30 Liquor Licence Initial Assessment
992078623 448 ST KILDA ROAD MELBOURNE VIC 3004 2024-05-29 Default category Approved
992062887 8 PALMERSTON CRESCENT SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-05-13 Liquor Licence Initial Assessment
992072063 POWERHOUSE PAVILLION INC LORD SOMERS CAMP 34 LAKESIDE DRIVE ALBERT PARK VIC 3206 2024-05-13 Development Only (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use) At Reporting
992069355 344 ST KILDA ROAD ST KILDA VIC 3182 2024-05-07 Development Only (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use) RFI Received
992064701 412 ST KILDA ROAD MELBOURNE VIC 3004 2024-04-29 Liquor Licence Planning Permit Not Required
992062694 1-13 COBDEN STREET SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-04-23 Change to the Statement (preamble) or Conditions of a Permit Approved
992062714 34-40 EASTERN ROAD SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-04-23 Liquor Licence Further Information Requested
992064001 100 PARK STREET SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-04-19 Change of Use & Development (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use) At Reporting
992058316 142 DORCAS STREET SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-04-12 Change of Use & Development (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use)
992054414 1-13 COBDEN STREET SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-04-03 Liquor Licence Further Information Requested
992051633 118 PARK STREET SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-03-26 Change to the Statement (preamble) or Conditions of a Permit Further Information Requested
992050586 45-53 PARK STREET SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-03-22 Change of Use & Development (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use)
992050072 448 ST KILDA ROAD MELBOURNE VIC 3004 2024-03-21 Change to the Statement (preamble) or Conditions of a Permit Referred
992049104 448 ST KILDA ROAD MELBOURNE VIC 3004 2024-03-19 Change of Use & Development (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use) Withdrawn
992046958 424-426 ST KILDA ROAD MELBOURNE VIC 3004 2024-03-14 Development Only (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use) Further Information Requested
992047013 61-65 PALMERSTON CRESCENT SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-03-14 Change of Use & Development (Comm/Ind/Mixed Use) Further Information Requested
992033208 284 STURT STREET SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 2024-02-13 Change of Use only Approved