Planning zone details
In this section, you will be able to see all applicable information regarding planning overlays and be able to identify whether or not an overlay applies to the land you are searching. Certain areas of Victoria have overlays.
These are managed by local government via maps in the planning scheme. These overlays apply special controls over land, such as protecting heritage under a Heritage Overlay. The overlay information will indicate if a planning application is required for the renovation of a building or other changes to the land. For example, if a Heritage Overlay to the front facade applies, a planning application is required to change the façade of the existing building.
The Heritage Overlay requires council to consider, before it grants the application, whether the change to the facade of the building will lessen the significance of the heritage place.
All of the land in Victoria is divided into areas called zones by local government – via maps in their planning schemes.
The zones indicate whether a planning permit is required to construct a building or carry out works. These zones determine what land can and can’t be used for. They are one of the elements of a planning scheme that can determine whether or not a planning permit is required.
The planning scheme zones land for particular uses, for example, residential, industrial, business or other.
The zone also contains information relating to land uses, subdivision of land, construction of new buildings and other changes to the land.
Certain areas of Victoria have overlays. These overlays apply special controls over land, such as to protecting heritage under a Heritage Overlay.
The overlay information will indicate if a planning permit is required for the renovation of a building or other changes to the land.
For example, if a Heritage Overlay to the front facade applies, a planning permit is required to change the façade of the existing building.
Before a permit is issued the heritage overlay requires council to consider whether the change to the facade of a building will lessen the significance of the heritage in place.